The products meet the requirements of HJ 547-2017 iodimetric method for the determination of chlorine in waste gas from stationary sources; GB / T 16157-1996 determination of particulate matter and sampling method of gaseous pollutants in exhaust gas from stationary sources; HJ / T 397-2007 technical specification for monitoring waste gas from stationary sources; and HJ / T 47-1999 technical conditions for flue gas sampler.
Th-600e intelligent flue gas sampler is a kind of sampling device that uses sampling membrane and absorption liquid to collect chlorine gas in fixed pollution sources. According to relevant standards, other cigarette guns can be selected to sample gaseous pollutants in the waste gas of other fixed pollution sources. This machine is mainly used for environmental monitoring, health and epidemic prevention stations, industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research institutes and other departments on the spot sampling of waste gas from fixed pollution sources.
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